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Selected Media Coverage:


Lu, J.G., Nisbett, R.E., & Morris, M.W. (2020). The Bamboo Ceiling: Why East Asians but not South Asians are underrepresented in leadership positions in the United States. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

The Economist, MSNJijitang (Chinese), El Urbano News (Spanish), 管理视野The Nikkei 

Lu, J.G., Liu, X.L., Liao, H., & Wang, L. (forthcoming). Disentangling stereotypes from social reality: Astrological stereotypes and discrimination in China. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

The Boston Globe, Forbes管理视野

Adam, H., Obodaru, O., Lu, J.G., Maddux, W.W., & Galinsky, A.D. (2018). The shortest path to oneself leads around the world: Living abroad increases self-concept clarity. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes

Forbes, Harvard Business Review, MSNPacific Standard, Quartz, World Economic ForumJijitang (Chinese)Vice (Romanian)


Lu, J.G., Lee, J.J., Gino, F., & Galinsky, A.D. (2018). Polluted morality: Air pollution predicts criminal activity and unethical behavior. Psychological Science

• Association for Psychological Science, BBCFuturityThe Independent, Pacific StandardScientific American, Hindustan Times, World Economic ForumDie Welt (German)Heute (Austria)The Economic Times (Indian)Наука и жизнь (Russian), Xinhua (Chinese) 


Wei, W.*, Lu, J.G.*, Galinsky, A.D., Wu, H., Gosling, S.D., Rentfrow, P.J., Yuan, W., Zhang, Q., Guo, Y., Zhang, M., Gui, W., Guo, X.Y., Potter, J., Wang, J., Li, B., Li, X., Han, Y.M., Lv, M., Guo, X.Q., Choe, Y., Lin, W., Yu, K., Bai, Q., Shang, Z., Ying, H., & Wang, L. (2017). Regional ambient temperature predicts human personality. Nature Human Behaviour

• Boston Magazine, Bustle, Daily Mail, Daily NewsThe Huffington Post, MSN, Quartz, Today, The Washington Post, Yahoo, Elciudadano (Spanish), Helsingin Sanomat (Finnish), Jijitang (Chinese), nplus1 (Russian), Scienze (Italian), Seoul Broadcasting System (Korean), To Vima (Greek), Die Welt (German)


Lu, J.G.*, Hafenbrack, A.C.*, Eastwick, P.W., Wang, D.J., Maddux, W.W., & Galinsky, A.D. (2017). “Going Out” of the box: Close intercultural friendships and romantic relationships spark creativity, workplace innovation, and entrepreneurship. Journal of Applied Psychology

The Boston Globe, CBS Ideas and InsightsFinancial Times, INSEAD Knowledge, MIT SloanNational Public Radio (NPR),, World Economic ForumTsinghua Business Review (Chinese), Jornal Económico (Portuguese), Scienze (Italian)


Lu, J.G., Akinola, M., & Mason, M.F. (2017). “Switch On” creativity: Task switching can increase creativity by reducing cognitive fixation. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes

BBCBusiness InsiderThe Guardian, Harvard Business ReviewNew York MagazineThe Telegraph, La Nación (Spanish)


Lu, J.G., Brockner, J., Vardi, Y., & Weitz. E. (2017). The dark side of experiencing job autonomy: Unethical behavior. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology

CBS Ideas and Insights, Psychology Today, Jijitang (Chinese), Spektrum der Wissenschaft (German)


Lu, J.G., Quoidbach, J., Gino, F., Chakroff, A., Maddux, W.W., & Galinsky, A.D. (2017). The dark side of going abroad: How broad foreign experiences increase immoral behavior[Lead article]

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

• The Boston Globe, Harper's Magazine, INSEAD KnowledgePsychology Today, The PsychologistYahoo, Business Insider (German)Jijitang (Chinese)Slate (French), La Vanguardia (Spanish), Vice (German)


Wallen, A.S., Morris, M.W., Devine, B.A., & Lu, J.G. (2017). Understanding the MBA gender gap: Women respond to gender norms by reducing public assertiveness but not private effort. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin

• BizEd MagazineThe Economist, Psychology Today, Jijitang (Chinese)


Akinola, M., Page-Gould, E., Mehta P., & Lu, J.G. (2016). Collective hormonal profiles predict group performance. Proceedings of National Academy of Science 

• Wired, GIGAZINE (Japanese)Süddeutsche Zeitung (German)



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